Beaubourg tra genesi ed eredità - conference

We look forward to seeing you on Monday 29 in Bologna for the conference:

between genesis
and legacy

arch. Cristina Medici
Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of Bologna
speeches by:
Lia Piano
Director, Renzo Piano Foundation
arch. phd. Boris Hamzeian
Architectural historian and researcher, Center national d'art e de culture Georges Pompidou
Prof. Annalisa Trentin, Prof. Matthew Agnoletto
Teachers, Department of Architecture, University of Bologna
dr. Alberto Grassetti
PhD student of the XXXVIII PhD cycle in Architecture and Project Cultures, Department
of Architecture, University of Bologna

The conference was conceived on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Boris Hamzeian "Live Center of Information. From Pompidou to Beaubourg: 1968-1971.

h.18:00 Order of Architects of Bologna, via Saragozza 175, Bologna

Event curated by Alberto Grassetti

organized by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Renzo Piano Foundation and the Education, University and Internshi Internship Commission of the Order of Architects of Bologna

Mandatory reservation:

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