Ronchamp is the sixth monograph published by the Foundation.
Like the other volumes in the series, the book recounts the adventure of its construction through documents from the archives and the living voices of the protagonists. In this case, it was a truly special journey to restore the mystical and spiritual dimension of the hill on which stands a masterpiece of modern architecture: the Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut by Le Corbusier. In 2006, the Association Oeuvre Notre Dame du Haut, which is responsible for the sanctuary, in agreement with the Order of Poor Clares of Besançon, commissioned the Renzo Piano Building Workshop to present an architectural project. The aim was to rethink the site and recover the religious and spiritual dimension that was its origin, through the establishment there of a small community of Poor Clares.
Thanks to contributions by Francesco Bandarin, Sister Brigitte and Renzo Piano, the reader can take part in this extraordinary encounter between spirituality and architecture.